Parallel Session: PT4 - Variation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matter
Description: Search for the space-time variation of the fundamental constants is a very broad research area based on numerous astrophysical and geophysical observations and laboratory experiments. Recent results show that this is also a very efficient method to search for low-mass dark matter.
Traditional searches for the scattering of dark-matter particles off nuclei have not yet produced a strong positive result. The challenge with such traditional searches is that they look for effects that are fourth power in a very small interaction constant. However, there are effects of dark matter that are first power in the interaction constant, which may give an enormous advantage.
Low-mass bosonic dark-matter particles produced after the Big Bang form an oscillating classical field and/or topological defects. Various non-gravitational interactions of ordinary matter with these fields can produce a cosmological evolution of the fundamental constants, such as the strengths of the fundamental forces (including electromagnetism), as well as the masses of particles. Variations in these physical constants leave characteristic fingerprints on physical processes that take place from as early as a second after the birth of the Universe until the present day.
Effects of varying physical constants include changes in the primordial abundances of light elements, cosmic microwave background fluctuations, quasar absorption spectra and pulsar timing. Further progress may be achieved using atomic clocks, laser-interferometry experiments (such as LIGO, which has detected gravitational waves), optical cavities and other laboratory devices.
Other effects of dark matter include oscillating spin-precession effects, oscillating parity-violating effects and oscillating electric dipole moments.
The first results of observations, which have improved the sensitivity to the interaction of dark matter with the photon, electron, nucleons, quarks, gluons, Higgs boson, W and Z bosons by up to 15 orders of magnitude, have already been published.
Astrophysical observations indicate that 85% of the matter content in the Universe is due to dark matter, the identity and properties of which remain a mystery. Traditional searches for the scattering of dark matter articles off nuclei have not yet produced a strong positive result. The challenge with these traditional searches is that they look for effects that are fourth or second power in a very small interaction constant. However, there are effects of the first power in the interaction constants, which may give an enormous advantage.
The low mass boson dark matter particles produced after Big Bang form an oscillating classical field and/or topological defects. Interactions with these fields produce a cosmological evolution of the fundamental constants such as the strength of the fundamental forces (including electromagnetism), as well as the masses of the particles. Variations in these physical constants leave characteristic fingerprints on physical processes that take place from as early as a second after the birth of the Universe until the present day.
The effects include change of the primordial abundances of light elements, cosmic microwave background fluctuations, quasar spectra and pulsar timing. Further progress may be achieved using atomic clocks, laser interferometry experiments (such LIGO which detected gravitational waves), silicon cavities and other laboratory devices.
Other effects of dark matter include oscillating spin-precession, oscillating parity violating effect and oscillating electric dipole moments.
First results of the observations which improved sensitivity to interaction of dark matter with photon, electron, quarks, Higgs, W and Z boson by up to 15 orders of magnitude have already been published.