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Con il contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri Direzione Generale per la Promozione e la Cooperazione Culturale |
Provisional Program as of June 30
Update programs see www.icra.it/MG9/mg9.htm
Inaugural Address
It gives me great pleasure this morning to participate in the inauguration of this Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, symbolized by the Roman numeral acronym MG IX MM, and organized by the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (ICRA) at the University of Rome "la Sapienza."
In fact we have been following these activities with great interest since the establishment of the Grossmann meetings in 1975 by the Nobel laureate Abdus Salam together with professor Remo Ruffini. We enthusiastically supported the goal of creating a close interaction between physicists and mathematicians at an international level to probe the consequences of Einstein's theory for a deeper understanding of our universe.
After the first two meetings, MG1 in 1975 and MG2 in 1979, both held in Trieste, Italy, the third Marcel Grossmann meeting, MG3, took place in Shanghai, China in 1982. On that occasion we applauded the effort, done in close contact with the Italian Foreign Ministery, which finally led to the historical precedent-setting event of scientists from Israel, South Korea and the Vatican first entering China to attend an international meeting, even though China had no diplomatic relations with those countries. This remarkable result achieved for that meeting has continued to hold for subsequent international scientific meetings in China, clearly reaffirming the principle that scientific dialog should be kept open among scientists and held above any political, racial or religious barriers.
In 1985 the fourth Marcel Grossmann meeting, MG4, returned to Italy and was held right here in Rome. It was on that occasion that ICRA was established linking "la Sapienza" to some of the leading institutions working in astrophysics, in China, with the University of Science and Technology, in Europe, with the Specola Vaticana and the ICTP and TWAS in Trieste, and in the United States of America, with Stanford University and the Space Telescope Institute.
This further step involved our University, which extends its roots into the remote past of some 1200 years ago and which has played a central role through various moments in the history of Italy. Just to mention a few examples in your field of interest, Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro and Tullio Levi-Civita were here in the school of mathematics establishing the basis for the mathematical formulation of Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Mario Orso Corbino was the founder of that very famous group of young scientists who under the leadership of Enrico Fermi unveiled to the world so many aspects of nuclear physics.
But in addition to these enormous successes there have been also tragic moments: "la Sapienza" was severely affected by the loss of some of its most distinguished faculty members because of the so called "racial laws."
Still, it was on this campus that a positive sign of reconstruction was given by a group of young physicists who started a new branch of physics research just at the end of the Second World War: the study of elementary particle physics. A unique role was played by Edoardo Amaldi for his fundamental role in the creation of the National Laboratories at Frascati,in creating the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and for his promotion, under the aegis of UNESCO, of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva.
All of this scientific structure has offered opportunities to scientists from all over the world and to a new class of Italian scientists who have achieved respect and scientific success for Italy.
Turning our attention back to ICRA, in addition to its many scientific activities in the young field of relativistic astrophysics, it has also been guiding the further developments of the Marcel Grossmann Meetings all over the world with the support of the Italian embassies in many countries.
In 1988, MG4 was held in Australia in the beautiful town of Perth at the celebrated campus of the University of Western Australia on the Swan River. In 1991, MG5 was held in Japan in the historical town of Kyoto close to the school of the Nobel Laureate Yideki Yukawa. In 1994, MG6 was held in the United States of America at the Stanford University campus at the very heart of Silicon Valley, and finally in 1997, MG8 was held in Jerusalem at the Hebrew University on the hills of the Holy City where all the manuscripts of Albert Einstein are kept as a treasure for humanity.
Also the present MG9 meeting, returning to Rome, is marked by a new activity also promoted by "la Sapienza": the ICRA Network which will be coordinated by the UNESCO Centre for Astrophysics in Pescara. We are especially thankful to the Mayor of Pescara, Carlo Pace, for his contribution in making this project a reality.
Using the new electronic highway of communication among scientific institutions, the ICRA Network will coordinate, under the aegis of UNESCO, the scientific work in theoretical astrophysics among leading centers of research in the Americas, Australia, China, France, Italy, Russia, the Vatican and finally Vietnam (on behalf of the ten Southeast Asian ASEAN countries).
The fact that a thousand scientists from sixty-three different nationalities are convened here today to discuss the understanding of our universe at the beginning of the new millennium encourages us to expect that this new initiative of "la Sapienza", the ICRA Network, will also be as successful as the previous ones.
I would like to close my remarks with the motto that was forged by the founders of the Grossmann meeting "In understanding the laws of nature, no country can afford the luxury of having another country think for it." Our University fully supports this philosophy.
I extend to all of you my warm personal wishes for a successful and enjoyable scientific week in Rome.
Giuseppe D'Ascenzo
Rector of "la Sapienza"
Monday 3 |
Tuesday 4 |
Wednesday 5 |
Thursday 6 |
Friday 7 |
Saturday 8 |
Chairperson |
Fang Li Zhi |
Yuval Ne'eman |
David Blair |
Kenneth Nordtvedt |
Hans Ohanian |
8,45 - 9,25 |
Inauguration |
Horowitz |
9,25 - 10,05 |
Superkamiokande |
10,05 - 10,45 |
10,45 - 11,05 |
Coffee-break |
Coffee-break |
Coffee-break |
Coffee-break |
Coffee-break |
Coffee-break |
11,05 - 11,45 |
White |
11,45 - 12,25 |
Friedman |
12,25 - 13,05 |
Conclusion |
13,05 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Aldering, Greg | Type Ia Supernove & The Accelerating Universe | Work by two independent
research teams - the Supernova Cosmology Project and the High-Z Team - has shown evidence
using Type Ia supernova at <z> ~ 0.5 that the expansion of the universe is
accelerating. Observations of the CMB and cluster abundances confirm these findings, while new tests have strengthen the case for Type Ia supernovae as reliable distance indicators. In addition to reviewing these findings, this talk will discuss programs which are now being developed to obtain much tighter cosmological contraints using Type Ia supernovae, and which should also lead to a much better understanding of their behavior. |
Ignatios![]() |
Superstring Phenomenology and Large extra Dimensions | The recent understanding of
string theory opens the possibility that the string scale can be as low as a few TeV. The
apparent weakness of gravitational interactions can then be accounted by the existence of
large internal dimensions, in the submillimeter region. Furthermore, our world must be confined to live on a brane transverse to these large dimensions, with which it interacts only gravitationally. This scenario gives a new theoretical framework for solving the gauge hierarchy problem and the unification of all interactions. It has dramatic implications for observations at future particle colliders, such as production of Kaluza-Klein states and graviton emission in the bulk of extra dimensions. It also predicts a radical change of gravitational forces in the submillimeter range, which can be measured in non-accelerator gravity experiments. |
John![]() ![]() |
Neutrino Astrophysics | Beautiful observations carried out in deep underground laboratories in the United States, Japan, Russia, Italy (LGNS), and Canada with elusive particles called neutrinos (theory provided by Enrico Fermi) have recently confirmed in a direct way the basic ideas of how the sun shines. Scientists use neutrinos, which interact very weakly with matter, to reveal details of the inner workings of the sun in much the same way as X-rays reveal the inner workings of our bodies. The results of these pioneering experiments provide evidence of new physics beyond what is in the textbooks (as anticipated by Bruno Pontecorvo). New experiments are underway in the ice under Antarctica and deep under the Mediterranean Ocean. These experiments are designed to detect higher energy neutrinos from some of the most distant and energetic astronomical sources in the universe. The under-ice and under-water experiments have the potential to test special and general relativity to unprecedented accuracy and to provide an understanding of the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. They may also reveal new types of astronomical sources that cannot be observed with ordinary light (photons). |
Barry![]() |
The New Generation of Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors | The effort to develop suspended mass interferometers for gravitational wave detection has lead to an ambitious new set of long baseline interferometers that will soon become operational. The goals and status of the various projects and planned early physics programs will be presented. The anticipated sensitivities of these instruments will be compared with expected source rates, as well as the prospects for using the combined data from the worldwide network of interferometers for the most sensitive searches. |
Yvonne![]() |
Local and Global Results on Solutions of the IVP for Einstein's Equations |
A quick survey of known results and an exposition of the new global results for spacetimes with U(1) symmetry groups. |
The Global Initial Value Problem in General Relativity | The lecture shall, in
part, discuss the progress that has so far been accomplished in the investigation of the
global initial value problem in general relativity and, in addition, address the
fundamental open problems that remain to be solved. In particular the development of the theory of gravitational radiation shall be discussed. Also, the problem of the formation and structure of spacetime singularities shall be discussed in relation to the fundamental issue of predictability. Here, the lecture shall touch on what can be learned from the study of analogous problems in fluid mechanics. |
Eugenio![]() |
Resonant Dectectors of Gravitational Waves | Five resonant-mass GW
detectors are in operation in Australia, Italy and USA. The strongest potential sources of
gw burst in our Galaxy and in the Local Group are today monitored by such instruments.
With the formation of the International Gravitational Event Collaboration, the activity of
these bar detectors passed a phase transition: from the occasional exchange of data
between two groups to the systematic exchange of data among all the groups. To fully exploit the potentiality of these detectors, R&D programs devoted to the development of transducer-amplifier chains are in progress. Advanced bars and future spherical detectors can join with confidence the world wide gw observatory in formation at the beginning of the new millennium with the first generation large interferometric detectors. |
Enrico ![]() |
The Distance Scale of GRBs and the Role of BeppoSAX | A new picture of the
GammaRay Burst Universe follows the revolution started in 1997 with the discovery of the
afterglow by BeppoSAX satellite. By chaining the capability of different instruments aboard the satellite a team of experimenters, duty scientists and operation engineers succeeded in pointing the burst location 8 hours after the burst and in detecting for the first time a faint fading source associated to the burst. This unexpected discovery was followed by observations, in the locations distributed by the BeppoSAX Team, with the largest instruments in all wavelengths, resulting in the detection of the transient source in the optical and radio band and arriving to determine the distance, the angular size an thence the energy of the phenomenon. |
Thibault![]() |
Fundamental Strings and Schwarzschild Black Holes | One studies the effect of increasing self-gravity (i.e. of increasing the string coupling, g ) on the energy and size of very massive, uncharged (fundamental ) string states. Is is found that the size of a typical self-gravitating string state of mass M shrinks when g increases, and becomes comparable to its Schwarzschild radius when g^2 M ~ M_string. Such a compact string state has (in order of magnitude) the correct number of states to match the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of a black hole. This result clarifies previous work by Susskind, and by Horowitz and Polchinski, on the correspondence between self-gravitating string states and Schwarzschild black holes. It suggests that the energy levels of (non-extreme) quantum black holes have a small degeneracy, and are densely distributed. |
Danzmann, Karsten | LISA and Future GW Interferometers |
De Bernardis, Paolo![]() |
Maps of the Primeval Universe | Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy experiments have recently resolved sub-horizon structures on the last scattering surface at z=1000. I review the technical advances which made this possible, the current results and their cosmological significance, with special attention to the determination of the total mass-energy density in the Universe. |
S. George![]() |
Gamma-Ray Bursts, Their Afterglows and Host Galaxies | Panchromatic observations of cosmic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and their afterglows demonstrated their cosmological origin and relativistic motions in them. The implied isotropic energy releases are up to 10**54 erg in gamma-rays alone (i.e., not including neutrinos, gravitational waves, or high-energy cosmic rays). However, there is now a good evidence that at least some bursts are relativistically beamed. The GRB afterglows represent highly relativistic explosions, and their behavior is described well by simple relativistic shock models. There is also some evidence that at least some GRBs are associated with supernovae. GRBs occur within the stellar extent of their host galaxies, which appear typical for their redshifts. GRBs may be usable as probes of the cosmic star formation history and the intergalactic medium at high redshifts. |
Jaan![]() |
The Structure of the Universe on 100 Mpc Scales | Observational evidence
for the presence of a scale 100 - 130 h^-1 Mpc is reviewed. Quantitatively the scale is
manifested by a peak (bump) in the power spectrum of the distribution of galaxies and
clusters of galaxies, by the presence of secondary peak(s) of the correlation function, and by the distribution of nearest neighbors of superclusters. The scale corresponds to the mean separation of rich superclusters across voids. Theoretically the scale can be explained by certain processes during the inflation which modify the scale-free primordial power spectrum. Models with modified inflation are compared with observations. |
Francis![]() |
Gravity Probe-B Status | The latest developments of the preflight testing of Gravity Probe-B are reviewed together with the fundamental steps which over the past 35 years have allowed this NASA project to reach completion. |
Ferrara, Sergio | Supergravity: Achievements and Perspectives | A status report of Supergravity,the supersymmetric extension of General Relativity,is presented.In its twentyfifth year from its discovery, the main focus will be on its recent applications,uncovering various dualities of string and M-theory,black hole physics and the dynamics of extended objects (p-branes) with their relation to gauge quantum field theories. |
Green, Michael | The Pointless Physics of String Theory | String theory avoids the
well-knwn problems associated with point-like singularities in electromagnetism and
general relativity. This talk will present an introductory overview of recent developments, with special emphasis on the role of extended solitons on the non-perturbative structure of the theory. |
Vahe![]() |
Chaotic phenomena in astrophysics and cosmology | The concepts of chaos and unpredictability had radical influence on various areas of physical science during the recent decades.We know that even classical Newtonian systems exhibit chaos and can be unpredictable in a way that is as profound as Godel-Chaitin incompletness theorems. We will review the consequences of this fact concerning certain key astrophysical and cosmological problems. Among the issues to be discussed will be the galactic dynamics, dependence of CMB properties on cosmological parameters, the instability in Wheeler-DeWitt superspace. Computational and observational aspects of those 'chaotic' phenomena, particularly involving such powerful descriptors as the Kolmogorov complexity - algorithmic information and random sequences, will be discussed. |
Kajita, Takaaki | Super-Kamiokande | Recent results from the Super-Kamiokande experiment on solar, atmospheric and accelerator neutrinos. |
Sergiu![]() |
On the Analysis of PDE's and General Relativity | The goal of the talk is to analyze the role played by
the modern theory of Partial Differential Equations in General Relativity. I plan to
illustrate some of the great success stories of this relationship suh as Positivity of
Mass and refinements of it, the stability of the Minkowski space and the proof of cosmic
censorship for a nontrivial spherically symmetric model. I also plan to discuss what form this relationship may take in the future and outline a program of activity, within Mathematics, with highest potential for future progress. |
Michael![]() |
Geodesic Precession in Binary Neutron Stars | In this talk I review the evidence for geodesic precession observed in binary neutron stars. New observations and results are presented, focusing in particular on the binary pulsar B1913+16. These new results are used to investigate and model the binary system and to make predictions about its future. Besides reviewing the observational evidence for geodesic precession in binary neutron stars, the prospects for quantitative tests of theories are discussed. In order to highlight the observational strategies, an overview of the principles of radio pulsar observations is also given. |
Narayan, Ramesh | Black Hole and Neutron Star X-ray Binaries at Low Mass Accretion Rates | At low mass accretion rates, black hole and neutron star X-ray binaries have unusual properties. Notably, black hole systems are as much as 100 times fainter than equivalent neutron star systems. It is possible that the difference arises because black holes have event horizons while neutron stars have surfaces. If true, this might be a powerful technique to confirm the reality of the event horizon. The talk will review the observational data on low-luminosity X-ray binaries and the relevant theoretical ideas. |
Jeremiah![]() |
Cosmic Concordance | Has a viable new model emerged that is consistent with all cosmic observations: CBR fluctuations, large-scale structure, supernova observations, Lyman-alpha clouds and galaxy formation? It appears that this is the case and, most startlingly, the evidence strongly indicates that this best model requires large amounts of dark energy, some form of the repulsive force introduced by Einstein as a cosmological constant. Although the true model is almost certainly unknown, its properties must be close to the cosmologically flat Lambda CDM model with Omega_m approximately 1/3, Omega_Lambda approximately 2/3, h approximately 2/3, Omega_b approximately 1/25 and spectral index n approximately 1. The "cosmic triangle" provides a helpful tool to visualize the current state and evolutionary path of the universe in dimensionless parameter space. |
Bruce![]() |
The Hot Big Bang: Physics and Cosmology | The discovery of the
cosmic microwave background 36 years ago established the Hot Big Bang model, and
demonstrated convincingly that early epochs in the history of the Universe were very
different from the present. Studies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have also turned cosmology into a real physical science: CMB measurements can be used to shed light on areas of fundamental physics (the half-life of the neutron; the number of neutrino families; the energy density of the vacuum) as well as to refine our understanding of the evolution of the Universe. I will review the transition to physical cosmology over the past 3-4 decades, with special emphasis on the physics underlying anisotropies in the angular distribution of the CMB.These promise to refine our understanding of fundamental physics as well as to provide quite precise values of key cosmological parameters. CMB observations already available, for instance, suggest that the Universe has a flat spatial geometry, in keeping with predictions of the inflationary variant of Hot Big Bang cosmology. Improved observations will help refine values for the rate of expansion of the Universe and set limits on the vacuum energy. |
Roger![]() |
Gravitational Collapse of the Wavefunction: an
Experimentally Testable Proposal |
There are powerful (though disputed) reasons to expect that the enigmatic phenomenon of wavefunction collapse is a real physical process that arises as a consequence of a tension between the principles of quantum mechanics and those of general relativity. Accordingly, it is proposed that the quantum superposition of two stationary quantum states is unstable if there is a significant mass displacement between these individual states; moreover, the superposition should decay into one or the other of these stationary states in a time-scale of the order of hbar /EG, where EG is the gravitational self-energy of the difference between the two mass distributions involved. This proposed effect is experimentally testable in technically difficult but feasible experiments. Some of these experiments will be described, as well as the underlying theory. |
Remo![]() |
Black Holes and Gamma Bursts | The idea that the vacuum polarisation process occurring during gravitational collapse to a black hole endowed with electromagnetic structure (EMBH) could be the origin of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) is further developed. EMBH in the range 3.2 - 10^6 solar Masses are considered. The formation of such an EMBH, the extraction of its mass-energy by reversible transformations and the expansion of the pair-electromagnetic pulse (PEM pulse) are all examined within general relativity. The PEM pulse is shown to accelerate particles to speeds with Lorentz gamma factors way beyond any existing experiment on Earth. Details of the expected burst structures and other observable properties are examined. |
Schwarz, John | Recent Developments in Superstring Theory | This talk will begin with a brief introduction to superstring dualities, M theory, and p-branes. This will then be followed by some more recent results in the theory of D-branes. These results concern noncommutative gauge theory on D-branes containing magnetic fields and tachyon condensation on unstable D-brane world-volumes. |
Stella, Luigi![]() |
Strong Field Gravity Measurements with QPO's from Low Mass X-ray Binaries | The relativistic precession model for quasi periodic oscillations, QPOs, in low mass X-ray binaries is reviewed. The behaviour of three simultaneous types of QPOs is well matched in terms of the fundamental frequencies for geodesic motion in the gravitational field of the accreting compact object, for reasonable star masses and spin. The model ascribes the higher frequency kHz QPOs, the lower frequency kHz QPOs and the horizontal branch oscillations to the Keplerian, periastron precession and nodal precession frequencies of matter inhomogeneities orbiting close to the inner edge of the accretion disk. The remarkable correlation between the centroid frequency of QPOs in both neutron star and black hole candidate low mass X-ray binaries is very well fit by the model. Some testable predictions are described. QPOs from low mass X-ray binaries might provide an unprecedented laboratory to test general relativity in the strong field regime. |
Sunyaev, Rashid | Accreting Black Holes and Neutron Stars | Accretion onto black holes and neutron stars in low mass X-Ray binaries - theory versus observations. |
Lev![]() |
Spectral and Timing Signatures of the Converging Inflow into Black Holes: Observational Evidence of the Existence of a Black Hole. | Do black holes interact with an accretion flow in such a way so a distinct observational signature entirely different from those associated with any other compact object exists? In other words can the existence of a black hole be solely inferred from the radiation observed at infinity. An accreting black hole is, by definition, characterized by the drain. Namely, the matter falls into a black hole much in the same way as water disappears down a drain - matter going in and nothing comes out. The accretion proceeds almost in a free-fall manner close to the black hole horizon where the strong gravitational field dominates the pressure forces. In my talk I present calculations of the specific features of X-ray spectra formed as a result of upscattering of the soft photons in the converging inflow into the Black Hole. I will clearly demonstrate that these spectra emerging from the converging inflow are a inevitable stamp of the black hole. |
Tsubono, Kimio | Status of TAMA | In September 1999, we performed the first observation run of the TAMA300 laser interferometric gravitational wave detector with almost final setup except for the power recycling. We could operate the detector continuously over seven hours. We have already accumulated several days data and analyzed it to find possible signals. Preliminary result of the data analysis will be reported. |
Yau Shing-Tung | Einstein and Geometry | Among the topics to be discussed are: basic nonlinear phenomena governed by the Einstein equations with special attention to the issue of the creation of singularities and their structures; questions related to the Penrose conjecture on cosmic censorship; the global structure of space-time due to the evolution of Einstein equation, the relation of global conserved quantities related to singularity;. whether a nonsingular initial data can give rise to nonsingular space-time, in particular, several asymptotically flat nonsingular static space time and their stability; some numerical calculations on gravitational waves |
by Code
Room | Monday 3 | Tuesday 4 |
Wednesday 5 |
Thursday 6 |
Friday 7 |
Fermi - Aula VI | |||||
Marconi - Majorana | |||||
Marconi - Conversi | AP5 | ||||
Mineralogia - Aula grande | |||||
Chimica - Aula I | |||||
Chimica - Aula II |
QG8 | QG1-b | |||
Chimica - Aula III | |||||
Fermi - Aula IV | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula IV | |||||
Fermi - Aula V | SG1-a | CM1-b | |||
Marconi - Sala Lauree | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula V | |||||
Marconi - Amaldi | |||||
Chimica Vecchia - Aula A | |||||
Fermi - Aula 1 | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula I | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula II | COO1-b | ||||
Aula Magna | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula Picone | GT3 | GT9 | |||
Marconi - Seminari | CM4 | H1 | GT7 | GW6-a | GW6-b |
by Chairperson
Room | Monday 3 |
Tuesday 4 |
Wednesday 5 |
Thursday 6 |
Friday 7 |
Fermi - Aula VI | Ryder | ||||
Marconi - Majorana | |||||
Marconi - Conversi | Lipari | ||||
Mineralogia - Aula grande | Obukhov | Obukhov | |||
Chimica - Aula I | |||||
Chimica - Aula II |
Freidel | Smollin | |||
Chimica - Aula III | |||||
Fermi - Aula IV | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula IV | |||||
Fermi - Aula V | Blanchet | ||||
Marconi - Sala Lauree | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula V | |||||
Marconi - Amaldi | |||||
Chimica Vecchia - Aula A | |||||
Fermi - Aula 1 | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula I | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula II | |||||
Aula Magna | |||||
Castelnuovo - Aula Picone | Rosquist | Chrusciel | |||
Marconi - Seminario | Carlini | Giorello | Lee | Ricci | Ricci |
Self-Gravitating Systems | |
SG1 | Self-Gravitating Systems (a) ---- Self-Gravitating Systems (b) |
Luc Blanchet | |
SG2 | Boson and Axion Stars |
Eckehard Mielke
Computer Methods in General Relativity | ||
CM1 | Numerical Relativity - (a) | Numerical Relativity - (b) |
CM3 | Black Hole Collisions | |
Pablo Laguna | ||
CM4 | Quantum Computation and Information | |
Alberto Carlini |
All these events are free for registered participants and accompanying persons except for the Meeting banquet. Registered particpants who have paid the registration fee are admitted to the banquet with no additional payment. Extra tickets for the banquet are available at 100 Euro or 100 US dollars per person on a "first come first serve" basis.
Monday | 9:15am | Group photo on the steps
in front of Aula Magna |
7:00pm - 8:40pm | Exclusive visit to Roman Forum | |
8:40 - 10:30 | Marcel Grossmann Awards
Ceremony, Campidoglio |
Tuesday | 7pm - 9pm | Inauguration of Art Show: Form and Sound From Extreme Spacetime |
University "la Sapienza": Museo Laboratorio (behind Aula Magna) | ||
9pm - 10pm | Concert by the
"Bersaglieri" Military Band, Aula Magna |
Wednesday | Morning | General Papal audience
for accompanying persons [tickets available from conference desk] |
7:00pm - 8:40pm | Exclusive visit to The Capitolini Museum (Campidoglio) | |
7:00pm - 8:40pm | Exclusive visit to Roman Forum | |
8:40 - 10:30 | Marcel Grossmann Awards
Ceremony, Campidoglio |
Thursday | 8pm -10pm | Recontres between scientists and artists |
University "la
Sapienza": Museo Laboratorio (behind Aula Magna) |
Friday | 8:30 - 10:30 | Meeting Banquet, Palazzo
Colonna*, Palazzo Lancellotti *Formal or Semi-formal dress if possible |
Additional tours are available by payment to FASI Congress as follows:
Tours can be subjected to change depending on weather conditions and number of participants.
A minimum number of 25 participants is requested for each Roman tour. If you are interested in attending one tour or more, please fill in the enclosed Social Program Form and return it to the Organizing Secretariat by June 20, 2000.
If due to organizational problems, the tour or tours chosen will be cancelled, the Organizing Secretariat will propose to you an alternative tour. Full day tours include lunch.
Monday July 3, 2000 - Half day
Roman Forum and the Colosseum, Costantine's Arch, Campidogio (half day tour)
![]() |
The Vatican City
Thuesday July 4, 2000 - Half day
Visit to Piazza S. Pietro, the Basilica, the Vatican Museums and to the Sistine Chapel.
Rome and the Baroque Art
Wednsday 5 July, 200 - Half day
A walk through the Baroque Art of Rome, visiting the most representative churches and squares: S. Agnese in Agone, S.Ivo alla Sapienza, S. Ignazio, S. Maria della Pace with the cloister of Bramante, Palazzo Montecitorio and Piazza di Spagna, where the Baroque Art finds its major expression in the Fontana della Barcaccia, a masterpiece by Pietro Bernini.
![]() |
![]() |
Castel Sant'Angelo
Thursday 6 July, 2000 - Full day
A Tour of the Appia Antica
Frieday 7 July, 2000 - Half day
Walking through The Appia Antica, the most beutiful and ancient Roman street. You can admire the Cecilia Metella Tomb and the Roman plumbermasterpiece.
All these tours include the transfer from the congress site and a professional English speaking guide.
This form should be completed FA.SI. Congress
June 20, 2000 and sent by fax to: n. Fax 0039-06-8414495
Last Name: ________________________________________________________
First Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Zipcode: ____________ City: ____________________ Country: _____________
Phone: _______________________________ Fax: ________________________
E-mail: _______________________________
I wish to participate in the following tour/tours:
&127 | Ancient Rome | US$ 20 | X n. . person Tot. US$ |
&127 | The Vatican City | US$ 25 | X n. . person Tot. US$ |
&127 | Rome and the Baroque Art | US$ 20 | X n. . person Tot. US$ |
&127 | Castel Sant'Angelo | US$ 25 | X n. . person Tot. US$ |
&127 | Tour of the Appia Antica | US$ 30 | X n. . person Tot. US$ |
FA.SI. Congress ( the organizing secretariat) will give you all the detailed information (meeting, time and so on)
The proceedings will be jointly published in paper form by World Scientific in Singapore and in electronic form by ICRA at its website http://www.icra.it/mg9. The on-line proceedings will contain the PDF version of each contribution for direct viewing with the freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The plenary lectures will be made available on-line in video format with accompanying audio at the ICRA website. The paper version of each plenary lecture can be up to 20 pages and will appear in both paper and electronic format. If a plenary author needs more pages, the electronic version can be correspondingly extended.
The chairperson of a parallel session may author or coauthor an article (or designate a rapporteur in his or her place) of up to10 paper pages, with the possibility of an extended electronic version. Parallel session participants may have up to 2 paper pages (an extended abstract containing the main idea and complete references) and up to 10 pages in electronic format. More extended versions can be negotiated with the chairperson and the proceedings editors.
World Scientific LaTeX proceedings macros for 9.75x6.5in page size are available for
download at
or directly [latex2e]: readme.txt ws-p9-75x6-50.cls ws-p9-75x6-50.tex
The deadline for proceedings submission is December 1, 2000. Please submit both:
(a) | a single .tex file or a .zip file of the .tex file and accompanying .eps figure files and any additional macro files you use, with filename "<your_last_name>.zip", with the first commented lines of the .tex file. specifying your full name and if it is a plenary talk contribution or a parallel session contribution, in which case the parallel session abbreviation code and session title (in case of typos in the P.S. Code) should be given, and |
(b) | a paper copy, with a separate cover page giving the same plenary/parallel session information as in the electronic version, including your full name. |
The files should be submitted by web upload at this site http://www.icra.it/mg9
and paper copies to:
MG9 Proceedings
Gruppo G9, Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita di Roma La Sapienza
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
Roma, 00185, ITALY
Submission of a manuscript does not mean that it will automatically be included in
the proceedings. Chairpersons will review the papers submitted to their session; certain
papers may be sent to referees at the discretion of the editors and/or chairpersons.When
your file is successfully typeset and compared with your printed version, a confirmation
will be sent to the e-mail address used to submit it. Otherwise a request for a corrected
electronic version of your paper will be made to that e-mail address.