Cosmology Gravitation and Multidimensions
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Curriculum Vitae

- Jan 2008: he was lecturer of the Degree Coure “Primordial Cosmology” in quality of Professor by contract, at the Physics Department of “Sapienza” University of Rome.

- Dec 2005: gets a researcher position on Plasma Physics (C.R. Frascati, F.P.N. Department) at ENEA (National Institute for Energy and Environment), and continues working within the ICRA project at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza” as undergraduate and PhD thesis advisor, as well as delivering doctoral lectures.

- Jun 2000-Nov 2005: continues his research activity, supported by research contracts both by the Physics Department of “Universitá degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza” and by ICRA, on geometrical unification theories and the dynamics of the gravitational field at “Universitá degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”.

- Jun 1998: was granted a two-year post-doctoral fellowship from INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics) in Theoretical Physics, and his research activity was aimed at investigating dynamical aspects of the gravitational field in classical, semi-classical and quantum regimes, within the framework of theoretical cosmology and relativistic astrophysics.

- Jan 1997-May 1998: gets a grant from ICRA at “Universitá degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”. In this period, studies non-Riemannian geometries and the geometrization of spinor fields, and starts working as thesis advisor.

- Jul 9, 1997: obtained PhD with the thesis “Dynamical aspects of the general cosmological solution”, with Prof. R. Ruffini and Prof. V.A. Belinski as advisors.

- Jan 1994: was admitted to Physics PhD at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza” (IX Cycle), with Prof. R. Ruffini and Prof. V.A. Belinski as supervisors. During the PhD program (3 years), analyzed the stochastic behavior of an inhomogeneous cosmological model in proximity of the initial singularity, which was successfully applied to Bianchi VIII and Bianchi IX models, as well as it multidimensional implementation, thus outlining the spontaneous-compactification scenario. Within these research activities, international collaborations were held with Prof. A. A. Kirillov (University of Nizhny Novgord-Russia), and Prof. R. M. Zalaletdinov (University of Tashkent-Uzbekistan).

- Jan-Dec 1993: continued his research activity about the behavior of the early universe and the fundamental features of the Einstein gravitation Theory within the ICRA (International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics), at “Universitá degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”.

- Dec 14, 1992: obtained degree in Physics form “Universitá degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza” with highest grades (110/110, cum laude). The thesis work, “On the asymptotic singularity-approaching regime in the general cosmological solution of the Einstein equations”, was developed with Prof. R. Ruffini and Prof. V. A. Belinski as advisors.

- Fall 1985: started reading Physics at “Universitá degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”: after the fundamental exams, followed qualifying undergraduate lectures on Astrophysics and theoretical aspects of Gravitation Physics.

- Summer 1985: graduated from high school “Liceo Scientifico G. B. Grassi”, in Latina, with the highest marks (60/60).