11 - N. Carlevaro and G. Montani, in Proc. of III Stueckelberg Workshop (2008)
New issues in gravitational instability
in preparation.
10 - N. Carlevaro, O.M. Lecian and G. Montani, in Proc. of III Stueck. Workshop (2008)
A novel approach to Lorentz Gauge Theory
in preparation.
9 - N. Carlevaro and G. Montani, to be subimmet to Int. J. Mod. Phys. A (2008)
Jean instability in presence of dissipative effects
in preparation.
8 - N. Carlevaro, O.M. Lecian and G. Montani, submitted to Europhys. Lett. (2008)
Fermion dynamics by internal and space-time symmetries.
7 - N. Carlevaro and G. Montani, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 17(6), 881-896 (2008)
Study of Quasi-isotropic solution near the cosmological singularity in presence of Bulk-Viscosity
[arXiv:0711.1952] [pdf].
6 - N. Carlevaro and G. Montani, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 23(8), 1248 (2008)
On the Role of Viscosity in Early Cosmology
[arXiv:0801.3368] [pdf].
5 - O.M. Lecian, N. Carlevaro and G. Montani, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 23(8), 1282 (2008)
Lorentz Gauge Theory and Spinor Interaction
[arXiv:0801.4242] [pdf].
4 - N. Carlevaro, O.M. Lecian, G. Montani, Ann. Fond. L. deBroglie 32(2/3), 281 (2007)
Macroscopic and microscopic paradigms for the torsion field: from the test-particle motion to a Lorentz gauge theory
[arXiv:0711.3538] [pdf].
3 - N. Carlevaro and G. Montani, AIP Conf. Proc. 966, 241 (2007)
Gravitational Stability and Bulk Cosmology
[arXiv: 0710.0313] [pdf].
2 - N. Carlevaro and G. Montani, Class. Quant. Grav. 22(22), 4715 (2005)
On the gravitational collapse of a gas cloud in presence of bulk viscosity
[arXiv:gr-qc/0510087] [pdf].
1 - N. Carlevaro and G. Montani, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 20(23), 1729 (2005)
Bulk viscosity effects on the early Universe stability
[arXiv:gr-qc/0506044] [pdf].