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Cosmology Gravitation and Multidimensions

Curriculum Vitae


- He wins a fellowship for financial support granted from “French-Italian University” for “Programme Vinci 2007”.

- Member of ICRA ( International Center of Relativistics Astrophysics )

-Dott. Lacquaniti is currently a Ph.D student of RomaTre University (Supervisor Prof. Orlando Ragnisco ) and he is in cotutorship with LAPTH-University of Savoie (Supervisor Prof. Pascal Chardonnet )



- October 2005: Admitted in the XXI cicle of Ph.D in Physics granted with a fellowship by the University of Rome ‘RomaTre”

- May 2005: Master Degree in Physics, University of Rome ”‘La Sapienza”’, grade 110/110 cum Laude. Thesis entitled ”‘Canonical approach to Kaluza-Klein theories: dynamics of fields and particles”’, with Supervisors Prof R.Ruffini and Dr. G. Montani

Courses Followed during Ph.D


- “Physics of fundamental interactions” by Prof. G. Altarelli, Physics Department, University of Rome “RomaTre”, Spring 2006
- “Cosmology” by Prof. E. Branchini, Physics Department, University of Rome “RomaTre”, Spring 2006
- “Symmetries and differential equations” by Prof. D. Levi, Physics Department, University of Rome “Roma Tre”’, Spring 2006
• “Philosophical issue of space-time” by Prof. M. Dorato, Physics Department, University of Rome “RomaTre”, Spring 2006
• “Geometrodynamics and Matter Fields”, by Dr. G. Montani, Department of Physics, University of Rome “Sapienza”, April-June 2006.

Given Talk and Seminars

• September 2007, II Stueckelberg Workshop on Relativistic Field Theories. Talk: “Matter coupling in 5D Kaluza-Klein model”, ICRANet Center, Pescara, Italy

• July 2006 Eleventh Marcel Grossman Meeting, Talk: Hamiltonian formulation of the 5D Kaluza- Klein model and test-particles motion, Freie Universitat,Berlin,Germany

• June 2006 First StueckelbergWorkshop on Relativistic Field Theories alk:Hamiltonian formulation of a 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein Theory, Icranet Center,Pescara,Italy

• March-June 2006 ICRA seminars on quantum gravity with supervision of Dr.Montani Talk: A derivation of ADM splitting via the Space Ambient embedding of a manifold, Rome, University La Sapienza

• February 2006 ”‘Journal club”’ of Physics Department, RomaTre; Talk:”’Formulazione Hamiltoniana del modello 5D di Kaluza-Klein”’

• June 2005 II Italian-Sino whorkshop on relativistic astrophysics: ”‘Probing the dark universe”’ , Pescara, Italia. Talk:On the Hamiltonian approach to the 5-D Kaluza-Klein theory

Partecipations in Meetings, Workshop, Schools

• March 2007, “Noncommutative Spacetime Geometries”, Dep. of Sciences and Advanced Technologies, University of Eastern Piemont, Alessandria, Italy.

• February 2006 42 Karpacz Winter School: Current mathematical topics on gravitation and cosmology, Ladek Zdroj, Poland

• July 2005 The Russian-Italian Lifshitz-Zeldovich meeting on relativistic astrophysics, Pescara, Italia.

• July 2004 I Italian-Sino whorkshop on cosmology and relativistic astrophysics, Pescara, Italy


Teaching experiences

• A.Y. 2007-08: He gives lectures for undergraduate course Mathematical Methods for Physics II, Physics Department, University RomaTre.

• A.Y. 2006-07: He gives lectures for undergraduate course Mathematical Methods for Physics II Physics Department, University RomaTre.

• June 2005: Given lecture for IRAP Ph.D at University La Sapienza Topic: 5D geodesic motion in Kaluza-Klein model.

• From June 2006: He collaborates with Dr.Montani in writing a handbook for undergraduate students on General Relativity and Field Theory topics.


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