- 11-20 September 2007: followed the doctoral school ''Central European School in Particle Physics'', held at Charles University, Prague.
- Winter-Spring 2007: followed the lectures (La Sapienza PhD lectures)
''Phenomenology of the Standard Model and its Supersymmetric extensions'', held by Dr. Franco, Dr.ssa Mele, Dr. Mena, Dr. Silvestrini at ''Universita' degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza''.
- 28 November-17 December 2006: followed the doctoral school “Gravitational Waves, Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology”, held at Centre Emil Borel, Institut Henry Poincare', “Universite' Pierre et Marie Curie” (Paris VI), in Paris.
- Autumn 2006: followed the lectures “Riemannian Geometry” given by Prof. S. Marchiafava, and “Group representation theory” given by Prof. C. De Concini, held at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”, Mathematics department .
- Spring 2006: followed the doctoral lectures (IRAP PhD) “Geometrodynamics and matter fields”
held by Dott. G.Montani at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”.
- January 2006: followed the doctoral lectures (IRAP PhD) “Mathematical Problems Of General Relativity Theory” held by Prof. D. Christodoulou at ETH in Zurich.
- 2 December 2005: took the TOEFL (ibt). The score earned (108/120).
- 5 November 2005:T took the GRE general test (cbt): verbal ability 590/800, quantitative ability 750/800, analytical writing 4.5/6.0.
- Autumn 2005: followed the lectures “An introduction to Quantum Gravity” held by Dott. G.Amelino-Camelia at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”.
- Autumn 2005: was admitted to the IRAP PhD (International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD) at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”.
- 14 July 2005: obtained degree in Physics from “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza” (110/110). The thesis is “On the geometrization of the electro-weak model by a 5-dimensional gauge theory of the Lorentz group within a Kaluza-Klein scheme”, with Prof. Remo Ruffini and Dott. Giovanni Montani as advisors.
- Autumn 2004: approached modern Kaluza Klein theories and local Lorentz group gauge theories, which were applied successfully to the Standard Electro-Weak model in the thesis project.
- October 1999: started reading Physics at University of Rome “La Sapienza”. After the fundamental courses, chose a theoretical orientation and attended lectures on QED and the Standard Electro-Weak model (Prof. N.Cabibbo), relativistic quantum field theory and renormalization group (Prof. M.Testa), general relativity and gravitational waves (Prof.V.Ferrari), statistical field theory and spin glasses (Prof.E.Marinari). Also followed the lectures “Quantum Mechanics held by Prof. S. Doplicher” held at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”, Mathematics department .
- 16 July 1999: graduated from High School “Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II” in Rome ( “Experimental European Classic Diploma”, 100/100). Also received an equivalent Diploma, acknowledged by the French Embassy.
- Fall/winter 2007/2008: assistant of Prof. R. Capitanelli for the lectures “Foundamentals of Caculus and Analysis II”. Lessons on http://www.dmmm.uniroma1.it/~capitanelli/.
- 2007: has been assingned as tutor to the undergraduate student Michele Castellana for his degree thesis at Università of Rome “Sapienza” : “BRST symmetry associated to the local Lorentz Group for the action of General Relativity”.
- 24-29 September 2007: participated in the meeting “ XCIII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica” in Pisa (Italy), with the contribution “Dark energy as a relic of the vacuum-energy cancellation”.
- 3-8 September 2007: participated in the workshop “ II Stueckelberg Workshop” (lecturers: Prof. T. Thiemann, Prof. T. Damour) , in Pescara (Italy), with three contributions “Stueckelberg: a forerunner of Modern Physics II ”, “Exponential Lagrangian for the gravitational field and the problem of vacuum energy” and “Fundamental symmetries of the extended space-time”.
- 20-30 July 2007: participated in the meeting “4th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics”, in Pescara (Italy), with the contribution “Scalar-tensor analysis of an exponential Lagrangian for the Gravitational Field”.
- 25-30 June 2007: participated in the meeting “10th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics”, in Pescara (Italy), with the contribution “The role of torsion in fermion interactions”.
-13-17 April 2007: partecipated in the “APS April Meeting”, in Jacksonville (Florida, USA), with the contrubition “Lorentz Gauge Theory and its Phenomenological Implications”.
- 18-23 September 2006: participated in the meeting “XCII Congresso Nazionale Societa’ Italiana di Fisica” in Turin (Italy), with the contribution “The role of torsion within a gauge theory of the Lorentz group”.
- 23-29 July 2006: participated in the meeting “Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity” in Berlin (Germany), with the contribution “Electro-Weak Model within a 5-dimensional Lorentz group theory”.
-10-20 July 2006: participated in the meeting “The third Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics”, in Pescara (Italy), with the contribution “Accelerated Universe from an exponential Lagrangian of the metric field”.
-26 June-3 July 2006: participated in the meeting “The first Stueckelberg Workshop” (main lecturer: Prof. A. Ashtekar), in Pescara (Italy), with two contributions “Stueckelberg: a forerunner of Modern Physics” and “Electro-weak Model within the framework of Lorentz gauge theory: Ashtekar variables?”.
- 5-16 February 2006: participated in the international meeting “The first Bego Scientific Rencontre” in Nice (France), with the contribution “Lorentz gauge theories and the Electro-Weak model”.
- Participated in the meeting “Plank scale in astrophysics and cosmology”, 19-20 June 2006, held at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”, Rome
- Participated in two international meetings on quantum gravity and relativistic astrophysics:
(i) “II Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics: Probing the Dark Universe”, 10-20 June 2005, Pescara (Italy);
(ii) “The Russian-Italian Lifshitz-Zeldovich Meeting on Relativistic Astrophysics”, 27 June-1 July, Pescara (Italy).
- Gave two contributions to the CGM Seminars 2007 at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”:
(i) 30.03.07 : “An introduction to spin foams”.
- Gave two contributions to the ICRA Seminars on Quantum Gravity at “Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza”:
(i) 11.04.2006 : “Generalized Uncertainty Principle: The quantization of fields and the problem of microcausality”.
(ii) 23.05.2006 : “Vacuum and graviton states in background independent Quantum Gravity”.
Italian: native.
English: fluent. TOEFL (ibt) 108/120 (taken 2 Dec 2005).
French: fluent. French Advanced Level General Certificate of Secondary Education acknowledged by the French Embassy in Rome.
German: good.
During high school years, improved knowledge of foreign languages with several courses in Great Britain (Edinburgh, Cambridge, Seaford), France (St.Malo, Montpellier), and Germany (Bremen, Ratzenried), organized by the school and privately. Accommodations in host families helped establish an even greater familiarity with foreign cultures.
- Member of ICRA (International Center For Relativistic Astrophysics), where developed her thesis work and is continuing her research activity.
-Member of SIF (The Italian Physical Society).
-Member of APS (The American Physical Society).
- Microsoft Windows, Office Package, LaTex System, algebraic manipulator: Maple, Mathematica.