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Cosmology Gravitation and Multidimensions

Publication List

- S. Mercuri, Fermions in Ashtekar-Barbero Connections Formalism for Arbitrary Values of the Immirzi Parameter, Phys. Rev. D, 73, 084016, (2006) [gr-qc/0601013] [pdf].

- S. Mercuri and G. Montani, A new approach in quantum gravity and its cosmological implications, Nuovo Cim. B 120, 1137-1168, (2005) [gr-qc/0401102] [pdf].

- S. Mercuri and G. Montani, Dualism between physical frames and time in quantum gravity, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 19, 1519-1527, (2004) [gr-qc/0312077] [pdf].

- S. Mercuri and G. Montani, Revised canonical quantum gravity via frame fixing, Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. D, 13, 165-186, (2004) [gr-qc/0310077] [pdf].



- S. Mercuri, Nihe-Yan invariant and fermions in Ashtekar-Barbero-Immirzi formalism, in Proceedings of the XI Marcel Grossmann meeting, Berlin, July 2006, [gr-qc/0610026] [pdf].

- O.M. Lecian, S. Mercuri and G. Montani, Is Torsion a fundamental physical field?, in Proceeding of XI Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Berlin, July 2006 [gr-qc/0702024] [pdf].

- S. Mercuri and G. Montani, On the frame fixing in quantum gravity, in Proceedings of the X Marcel Grossmann meeting, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), July 2003 [gr-qc/0401127] [pdf].


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