
BH2 - Theoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holes


Gaina, Alexei


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Short wavelength scattering in a Schwarzschild field


The purpose of this article is to review and classify a great number of articles in the area of scattering of particles and fields by Black Holes. In a case of mass fields the calculation of scattering matrix allows to calculate also the energies spectrum and time life of bound states for mass fields [1]. A second purpose is to give a calculation of quantum mechanical scattering in a short wavelength approximation for mass fields based on perturbations method. 2 various perturbation schemes can be developed, which give a slightly different results. The actual one is giving a result which agree exactly with calculations [2] in the massless limit. A comparison of this cross section has been made with gravitational self-action one, which would contribute at the same magnitude [3]. References: 1. Gaina, A.B., Kochorbe, F.G., JETP, 1987, 65, 211; 2. Sanchez, N., J. Math. Phys., 1976, 17, 688 ;3. Wetspfahl, K., Fortschr. Phys., 1985, 33(8), 417

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