
AT6 - Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry


Restuccia, Alvaro


Tello, Francisco; Bellorin, Jorge

Talk Title

The electromagnetic interaction in the Horava-Lifshitz gravity


We analyse the electromagnetic –gravity interaction in a pure Horava-Lifshitz framework. To do so we formulate the Horava-Lifshitz gravity in 4+1 dimensions and perform a Kaluza-Klein(KK) reduction to 3+1 dimensions. The critical values of the dimensionless coupling constant in the kinetic term of the action are the relativistic value λ=1, and λ = 1/4. The relativistic symmetry of the kinetic term for λ=1 is broken by the potential terms in the Horava-Lifshitz formulation leaving the only critical value of the action to be λ = 1/4. It is the kinetic conformal point for the nonrelativistic electromagnetic-gravity interaction. In distinction, the corresponding kinetic conformal value for pure Horava-Lifshitz gravity in 3+1 dimensions is λ = 1/3. We analyse the geometrical structure of the critical and noncritical cases, they correspond to different theories. The physical degrees of freedom propagated by the theory for λ = 1/4, when the KK scalar is taken in its ground state as is usually done, are exactly the ones corresponding to a graviton and a photon, without any additional scalar field. The field equations for the gauge vector have exactly the same form as the electromagnetic equations coupled to gravity in General Relativity, they are now coupled to nonrelativistic Horava-Lifshitz gravity. The transverse traceless degrees of freedom of the graviton and the transverse degrees of freedom of the gauge vector propagate with the same velocity which can be taken to be the speed of light.

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