
GW4 - Middle-Frequency (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) Gravitational Wave (GW) Detection and its Sources


Shinkai, Hisa-aki


Ebisuzaki, Toshikazu; Katori, Hidetoshi; Makino, Jun'ichiro; Noda, Atsushi; Tamagawa, Toru

Talk Title

Gravitational-wave detector using optical lattice clocks in space


The new technique of measuring time by optical lattice clocks now approaches at the level of $\Delta t/t=10^{-18}$. We propose to place such precise clocks in space and to use Doppler tracking method for detecting low-frequency gravitational wave. Our plan is to locate three satellites at one A.U. distance (say at L1, L4 \& L5 of Sun-Earth orbit), and to apply reachable current technologies, then we obtain three or four order improvement ($10^{-17}$ level in $10^{-5}$Hz -- $1$ Hz) than the sensitivity of Cassini satellite in 2001. This sensitivity enables to search inspirals of inter-mediate black holes in $Gpc$ order. Based on the hierarchical growth model of black-holes in galaxies, we estimate the event rate of detections will be 20-30 for a year.

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