Live streaming of Plenary and Public Lectures
Secretariat/registration open from 8:00am to 1:30pm from wednesday. Payment of registration fee after Wednesday 1pm
o'clock will be possible only by cash
REGISTRATION: OPENS SUNDAY JULY 12 10am at the Department of Physics (old building, "FISICA Marconi")! It is strongly suggested to register on Sunday July 12 from 10am to 6pm and pay the registration fee if not already paid, in any case before Monday July 13, in order to avoid long lines on Monday morning. On Monday July 13 registration desks will instead be located at Aula Magna starting at 8am.
BANQUET: There are still tickets available for the official banquet at "Galleria Colonna" on Wednesday July 15. Please, make sure to book your ticket as soon as possible, in any case before July 5, by paying for it using the personal link in the email sent to you by Sistema Congressi with subject "MG14 instructions for payment" after you registered for the meeting. Only if technical problems with money transfer/credit cards from abroad prevent this online payment will you be allowed to purchase your ticket onsite; in this last case, please, make sure to reserve it by writing to as soon as possible, in any case before July 5.
BOX LUNCH: You may reserve a 7 Euro per day box lunch for your choice of days from Monday to Friday choosing between a vegetarian and nonvegetarian option by visiting your registration page with your PIN and checking off the days and options you wish and then submitting your form with your username and PIN/password given below. For details of box lunch contents, see
PARALLEL SESSION SPEAKERS: Make sure you either email your PDF presentation file to your chair before the day of the session (suggested filename example AT1-jantzen.pdf, export to PDF if you use another presentation software to avoid problems with viewing on the chair's laptop), or at the very least transfer it to the chair's laptop by USB memory stick at least 15 minutes before your session begins (2:15 pm).
We thank ICTP, INFN, IUPAP, NSF for their support!
Early registration fee deadline postponed to June 10.
For information about internet connection at "Sapienza" University, click here.
MG14 on-line registration and a new procedure for abstract submission are open
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14th Marcel Grossman Meeting - MGXIV
University of Rome "Sapienza"
12-18 July 2015
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It gives us great pleasure to announce the opening of on-line registration for the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting that will take place in Rome at "Sapienza" University July 12 to 18 , 2015.
The early registration fee is € 350 through May 25
th, extended to
June 10th, after which the fee will be € 400. The student fee is € 150 at any time (with certification of "Student Status").
The preliminary poster is:
Abstracts for parallel session presentations must be submitted by June 1
st, 2015, but preferably at the time of registration.
The current preliminary list of parallel sessions and related chairpersons can be found at:
A preliminary list of confirmed plenary speakers is also available:
All inquiries may be directed to the meeting mailbox:
Remo Ruffini (chair of International Organizing Committee)
Robert Jantzen (chair of International Coordinating Committee)
Massimo Bianchi (chair of Local Organizing Committee)