Campus Map Sapienza University
The Rettorato (Administration building containing the Aula Magna = Great Hall) is called Rettorato Palace in English (see Google map link) and is at the center of the Sapienza University campus. Only the rear ground floor entrance (or via the rear terrace steps) gives access to the Aula Magna.
Google Map directions from Aula Magna to lunch cafeteria
Campus Map displaying parallel session rooms
[magnify with Control+ on Windows devices] [for popup map
click here]
[for detailed room map of each building
click here]
Poster Session Location
Poster session contributions will be displayed by participants in the hallway on the first floor (above ground floor) of the Physics (Marconi) CU013 building. Thumb tacks to attach posters to the poster boards in the center of the hallway are available from the MG15 staff.