Parallel Sessions Program (preliminary)

Preliminary Parallel Sessions Date Grid:

Monday, July 2nd
AC1 ASpectral and Temporal properties of Black Holes and neutron stars and the theoretical modelsSandip Chakrabarti
BH2 ATheoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holesAlexander Zakharov
BH5 ABlack hole thermodynamicsHernando Quevedo
AT1 AExtended Theories of Gravity and Quantum CosmologySalvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis
AT3 AWormholes, Energy Conditions and Time MachinesFrancisco Lobo, Diego Rubiera-Garcia
AT7 ATheories of gravity: alternatives to the cosmological and particle standard modelsStefano Bellucci, Valerio Faraoni and Orlando Luongo
DM1 AInteracting Dark matterNikolaos Mavromatos
DE1 ADark Energy and the accelerating universeAlexei Starobinsky, David Polarski
CM5 APresent and future of CMB observationsMarco Bersanelli and Aniello Mennella
GW1 ASources of Gravitational WavesAndrew Melatos
GW7Ground-based detectors: from second to third generationGiovanni Losurdo
GB4Photospheric emission in GRBsGregory Vereshchagin, Damien Begue
CM2Cosmic Backgrounds from radio to far-IRCarlo Burigana
GB8BdHNe from the top Binbin Zhang and Yu Wang
EU2 AQuantum FieldsVladimir Belinski
ES3Exact Solutions (including higher dimensions)Susan Scott
QG2 AQuantum Gravity PhenomenologyGiovanni Amelino-Camelia
PT2 A Gravitational lensing and shadowsPerlick Volker, Oleg Tsupko
PT3 A Experimental GravitationAngela di Virgilio, Claus Laemmerzahl
HE7Future missions for high-energy astrophysicsLorenzo Amati, Enrico Bozzo
HR2Angelo Secchi and AstrophysicsPaolo De Bernardis, Gabriele Gionti, Costantino Sigismondi

Tuesday, July 3rd
AC1 BSpectral and Temporal properties of Black Holes and neutron stars and the theoretical modelsSandip Chakrabarti
BH2BTheoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holesAlexander Zakharov
BH5 BBlack hole thermodynamicsHernando Quevedo
AT1 BExtended Theories of Gravity and Quantum CosmologySalvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis
AT 2The Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann Legacy in Mathematical Relativity Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh e Michael Kiessling
AT3 BWormholes, Energy Conditions and Time MachinesFrancisco Lobo, Diego Rubiera-Garcia
AT7 BTheories of gravity: alternatives to the cosmological and particle standard modelsStefano Bellucci, Valerio Faraoni and Orlando Luongo
DM1 BInteracting Dark matterCarlos Arguelles
DE1 BDark Energy and the accelerating universeAlexei Starobinsky, David Polarski
CM4 ATensions on LCDM cosmological model and model-independent constraintsJoan Solà Peracaula and Luca Amendola
CM5 BPresent and future of CMB observationsMarco Bersanelli and Aniello Mennella
CM3Future Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral DistortionsJens Chluba
GW1 BSources of Gravitational WavesAndrew Melatos
GW4Middle-Frequency (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz)Gravitational Wave (GW) Detection and its SourcesWei-Tou Ni
GB3Cosmology and multi-messenger astrophysics with Gamma-Ray BurstsLorenzo Amati, Massimo Della Valle, Paul O'Brien
GB1Fast radio bursts: observations, ideas and prospectsBing Zhang, Duncan Lorimer
GB9The structure of the precursor, prompt, gamma-ray flares, x-ray flares and afterglow in selected GRBs Luca Izzo and Massimo Della Valle
EU2 BQuantum FieldsAlexander Kamenshchik
QG2 BQuantum Gravity PhenomenologyGiovanni Amelino-Camelia
NS1-2NS1: Observational Constraints on the Micro and Macroscopic Properties of Compact Stars
NS2: New States of Matter in the Universe - From quarks to the Cosmos
Jorge Rueda, Rodrigo Negreiros
Cesar Augusto Vasconcellos Zen, Aurora Perez Martínez
PT4 AVariation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matterVictor Flambaum, Yevgeny Stadnik
PT3B Experimental GravitationAngela di Virgilio, Claus Laemmerzahl
PT5Testing gravitation theories in spaceRoberto Peron, Francesco Vespe
GW8Dense stellar environments as sites of gravitational wave emissionRoberto Capuzzodolcetta, Manuel Arca Sedda
HE3The first Chinese X-ray astronomy mission Insight-HXMT at MGXVFilippo Frontera, Shu Zhang
HE8Astronomical Data in the Multi-messenger eraUlisses Barres de Almeida, Andy Pollock
HR1History of Relativity and CosmologyChristian Bracco, Tilman Sauer
SF1Strong (EM) Fields Physics and Laboratory AstrophysicsSang Pyo Kim, She-Sheng Xue

Thursday, July 5th
AC3 AAccretion discs and jetsEva Hackmann and Audrey Trova
BH2 CTheoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holesAlexander Zakharov
BH7 ABlack Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)Jutta Kunz
AT1 CExtended Theories of Gravity and Quantum CosmologySalvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis
AT1 EExtended Theories of Gravity and Quantum CosmologySalvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis
AC2MHD processes near compact objectsSergey Moiseenko
AT4 AMassive gravity and related modifications of General RelativityMichael Volkov
DM4Self Gravitating Systems and Dark MatterMarco Merafina
CM4 BTensions on LCDM cosmological model and model-independent constraintsJoan Solà Peracaula and Luca Amendola
GW6: The Role of Numerical Relativity in Gravitational Wave Observations
Masaki Ando
Niegel Bishop
GW9Advanced Data-Analysis Techniques for Gravitational-Wave DetectionSergio Frasca, Paola Leaci
GB7Lessons from GW170817 / GRB170817A Jonathan Granot
BN8Relativistic Binary Stars Merging: Population Synthesis &/or Multimessanger ObservationsVladimir Lipunov
EU2 CQuantum FieldsAndrei Lebed
QG3Loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holesParampreet Singh, Jorge Pullin
NS3Different aspects of the QCD phase diagram investigated with hadronic modelsDebora Peres Menezes, Constança Providência
PT4 BVariation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matterVictor Flambaum, Yevgeny Stadnik
BN6Post-Newtonian expansion and analytic approximationsLuc Blanchet
CS1Cosmic StringsReinoud Jan Slagter
HE1Very High Energy Gamma RaysRazmik Mirzoyan, Alessandro De Angelis
HE2High Energy Astrophysical Neutrino detectionAntonio Capone
ED1Teaching Einsteinian Physics to School StudentsDavid Blair, Matteo Ruggiero
BN3NS-NS and NS-WD mergersJorge Rueda and Chris Belczynski
BS2 AScalar fields in cosmologyAlfredo Macias, Darío Nùñez

Friday, 6th
AC3 BAccretion discs and jetsEva Hackmann and Audrey Trova
BH2 DTheoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holesAlexander Zakharov
BH7 B-8BH7 B: Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)
BH8: Hawking radiation in analogue black-holes
Jutta Kunz
Jeff Steinhauer
AT1 DExtended Theories of Gravity and Quantum CosmologySalvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis
AT1 FExtended Theories of Gravity and Quantum CosmologySalvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis
AT5 Constructive gravityMarcus Werner
AT4 BMassive gravity and related modifications of General RelativityMichael Volkov
AT6Applied Newton-Cartan GeometryEric Bergshoeff
DE2Dark Energy and Large Scale structureRadouane Gannouji and Clement Stahl
PT6Fundamental physics in SpaceMeike List
DE1 CDark Energy and the accelerating universeAlexei Starobinsky, David Polarski
PT4 CVariation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matterVictor Flambaum, Yevgeny Stadnik
GB6GeV emission from Gamma Ray BurstsFrancesco Longo
GB11Plasma acceleration and transparency in GRBsShe-Sheng Xue and Carlo Luciano Bianco
ES1Exact Solutions in Four and Higher Dimensions: Mathematical AspectsGeorge Alekseev, Fabio Briscese
QG1Loop Quantum GravityJerzy Lewandowski, Marcin Kisielowski
NS4Pulsars? methodology for fundamental physicsAndrea Possenti
PT2 BGravitational lensing and shadowsPerlick Volker, Oleg Tsupko
WD2Origin and physics of Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters and Anomalous X-ray PulsarsManuel Malheiro
HE6cosmic ray acceleration and radiative dissipation in relativistic jets and IceCubeFederico Fraschetti, Matthew G. Baring
HE5Neutrino AstronomyPaolo Padovani, Paolo Giommi
BN9Gravitational interaction of n-pole point particles and higher-spin fieldsDonato Bini, Jan Steinhoff
BN4End of white dwarfs and type Ia supernovaYukikatsu Terada, Keiichi Maeda
BS2 BScalar fields in cosmologyAlfredo Macias, Darío Nùñez
DM2Dark Matter and rare processesRita Bernabei and Zurab Berezhiani